1. Sex and Porn Addiction is Different for High-achievers

Sex and pornography addiction is different for high-achievers and entrepreneurs. Their brains operate differently from the rest of the population. Therefore, their recovery will also be unique.

Like most things in this world, the majority of information on sex addiction that you will find is geared towards the majority of the population. Well, high-achievers are not the majority. They make up just 5% of the population. 

As a result, high-achievers are left with gaps in the recovery process. Gaps that do not apply to them in the same way that they apply to everyone else. To overcome sex and porn addiction, high-achievers will need to learn how to apply recovery principles to the mindset of the successful male.

This episode will outline why recovery is different for high-achievers and what they will need to do differently to achieve long-term sobriety.

If you are a high-achiever or entrepreneur looking for a sex addiction recovery group, visit my website at successfuladdict.com

We provide men with a deeply connected recovery group using weekly calls, daily accountability, and two in-person retreats each year.