4. Are You Stuck On The Sex Addiction Plateau? Relapsing? Sober, But Not Recovered?

Men often hit a point in their sex addiction recovery where they get stuck. They begin losing motivation, their marriage starts to struggle again, and therapy starts to feel repetitive as if no more progress is being made.

This is called recovery fatigue and it’s a dangerous place to be. This is where men will often slow down, begin to give up, or even stop making further progress. 

Recovering from sex addiction requires a lot of deep work. It is critical that men stay motivated through this process if they are going to achieve long-term sobriety.

Chris Jones is a brilliant therapist whom I respect tremendously. In this video, we discuss all of the areas men need to look at when in recovery and how to stay motivated throughout the process.

Chris and I both have been trained by Dr. Minwalla and use the Deceptive Sexuality and Trauma Treatment approach (DSTT). This approach works very well for high-achievers as their sex and porn addiction rarely comes from regulating emotions. For successful men, it’s often masculinity, control, and attention seeking that drives their addiction. The DSTT approach is often what finally helps successful men overcome this addiction and heal their marriage.

Are you a sex addict looking for a recovery group? The Successful Addict is a recovery group for high-achievers, entrepreneurs, professionals, and executives. We provide ambitious men with a deeply connected group of like-minded men to do recovery with. We meet in-person 2 times each year, connect on weekly coaching calls, and use a daily accountability system. 

To apply for the next group, visit our website: www.successfuladdict.com
Chris offers coaching services to men all over the work. He can be contacted here: https://chrisjonestherapy.co.uk/

5. Can you be sober without being sober?

Can you activate your sex addiction without violating your sobriety? In this episode, I share with listeners how I was able to get “sober” for 7 years only to discover that I was actually in... Continue

8. Sex Addiction Groups: Finding Your Tribe

Connection is everything in sex addiction recovery. But, what if you can’t find men that you connect with? Just because you are in a room or on Zoom with a bunch of guys doesn’t mean... Continue