The Successful Addict™ is a group for ambitious men who want to overcome their sex and porn addiction to achieve long-term recovery and save their marriage.

We provide men with a deeply connected recovery group using daily accountability check-ins, weekly Zoom calls, and biannual 4-day retreats.

This program is for high-achievers, entrepreneurs, executives, and business professionals who want to achieve recovery… not just sobriety.

You can overcome this addiction. Here’s what it takes.

  • Discovering what caused you to be this way, and how to change it.
  • Understanding how this addiction works, and how to stop it.
  • Building accountability with other high-achievers who care about your recovery.
  • Creating deep, meaningful connections with other sex addicts.

Why This Program Works


Recovering from sex addiction often requires a massive pattern interrupt. Most men who have beaten this addiction in time to save their marriage will tell you that attending an in-person intensive was what finally allowed them to live a normal life.


This is what makes The Successful Addict retreat so much different than the other sex addiction intensives out there. Co-learning—better known as the “mastermind effect”—is a recovery method that involves using a group of other men to get to the root cause of your addiction.


It’s been proven that the opposite of addiction is NOT sobriety… it’s connection. This is the primary objective of this program’s retreats: to connect you with like-minded men and give you access to a shared formula that you can use to recover, together.


The Successful Addict’s accountability system is easy to use and can be done on your cell phone/tablet from anywhere in the world. You will be given precise accountability instructions that will help you maintain a connection with the men in your group and keep you sober.


Not all sex addicts have the same level of commitment. Roland takes personal responsibility for creating a vetted community of driven men who are willing to do anything to recover and save their marriage.


This program ends when you are ready for it to end. Stay for as long as you need. You can attend up to 2 retreats each year, and you can continue to do so until you’re ready to do recovery on your own.

How To Get Started

Fill out an application and book your interview with Roland.

Please note that the groups are small, and limited to 10 men. Therefore, space is very limited. Please take your time answering the questions on the application, so that Roland can determine if this program is the right fit for you.

Ready to start your recovery journey?

Click Here to Apply


When I discovered that I was a sex addict, I was willing to do whatever it took to get sober and save my marriage.

In business, I had overcome significant challenges before. So, I was familiar with getting help when I didn’t know how to help myself.

Over the past 10 years, entrepreneurs have cracked the code to success. If you want to accelerate your journey, you need:

A mastermind group of like-minded men you respect and admire.

A formula you can use with other men to find your blindspots and change your mind.
A coach who facilitates the mastermind group who has accomplished what the other men in the group are trying to accomplish.

I have used the formula above to build multi-million dollar businesses in 3 different industries. So, when I went searching for sex addiction treatment, I was looking for a similar group.

I couldn’t find it.

The 12-step groups that I attended were fine…but there’s not much deep connection that happens, and I found that there was very little lasting sobriety in the room.

Therapy was working well, but I needed more support in between appointments.

I went to in-person intensives, read all the books, listened to every podcast, and had multiple therapists at one time. I was going to two 12-step meetings each week and had three groups of men from my intensives that I connected with weekly.

But, it wasn’t the same. I knew I needed a mastermind group with structure, comradery, and accountability.

That is why I started The Successful Addict.

Having a group like this with daily connection, weekly meetings, and multi-day in person intensives is the key to accelerating your recovery, healing your marriage, and sober living.

It worked for me, it’s working for our current members, and I know it can work for you. If you’re ready to make a strong, serious commitment to your recovery, this community is where you need to be.

Apply Now for The Successful Addict

Your privacy will be respected. All answers below will remain confidential. This application will take 10-15 minutes to complete, please include as much detail as possible. Space is limited.